Acupressure device by Lyapko is specially designed massage tool to do acupressure on yourself. Learn how to do acupressure on yourself using Lyapko's specially designed device. This invention makes it easy to reduce stress and get great rest. Use it as a tripod to address different stress points on your body. If you are feeling stressed or have a tight, painful neck or back this self-massage tool has a special tripod design for effective massage and acupressure that extracts back and neck stress for total body relaxation and stress relief. Sleep better tonight by releasing stress, tightness and strain in your body using Lyapko's acupressure device for a minute or more before bed - giving you deep, uninterrupted sleep all night.
Any self massaging acupressure device by Lyapko works great. If you sit in front of computer all day long and after work your neck and back are very tense, you have only had the tool for two days and can tell a big difference in your neck. You are very anxious to see how Lyapko's acupressure device helps your back as you continue using it. You can say: "Also slept like a baby last night!". It is realy very well designed self-massage tool.